Monday, December 29, 2014


Yes, it's that time of the year. In 2013 I mainly focused on European cityscapes and this year it's Taiwanese landscape, I learned the difference of the climate condition between the two and how to deal with it on site and in post-process. Another major discovery I made during my hike of Mt. Jade (and all the prep-hikes) was that the mountains are the true treasures of this island, and those hikes also opened up a new field of photography for me; And on the business front, I've tried and adjusted a few different methods and strategies on establishing and marketing my work, trial-and-error process is always time-consuming and sometimes frustrating, but a lot has been learned and eventually I had some success! 

Overall, 2014 is a year of improvement, I understand myself better than ever and know exactly what I want to achieve in the future, and that gives me confidence to tackle/enjoy  all the challenges and adventures in 2015!

The following is my favorites of 2014 in the order of time taken, hope you enjoy them :)

Macao Bridge(馬槽橋), Yangmingshan National Park

內湖康樂山MRT DaHu Park Station(大湖公園站), Taipei City

LaoMei Green Reef (老梅石槽), New Taipei City

Mt. WuFeng (五分山), New Taipei City

玉山主峰 北峰攻頂之路
Mt. Jade Main Peak (玉山主峰), YuShan National Park

花蓮富里六十石山 賞金針花與花東縱谷之美
Mt. LiuShiDan and East Rift Valley (六十石山與花東縱谷), Hualien County.

清水斷崖蘇花公路 Chingshui Cliff and SuHua Highway
Pacific Sunrise, Taroko National Park

基隆山星軌 霧掩水金九 Mt. KeelungMt. Keelung(基隆山), New Taipei City

Hong Kong at Dusk

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