Friday, March 10, 2017

Photographing the Cotswolds

Photographing the Cotswolds by Wilhelm Chang Photography
Above:Swan Hotel in Bibury 

The Cotswolds is known for its beautiful landscape and honey cream-color houses, to make the photos even prettier, I waited till it's Autumn time.
It was in Autumn colors  alright but the weather wasn't the best for photography -overcast for most of the day, drizzled from time to time. But it's ok, a good photographer can always make lemons into lemonade!

The best way of visiting the Cotswolds is probably self-drive. It is more flexible, you get the liberty of deciding how long you want to stay in each village.

But my driving license is expired and I did not want to join a tour with will limit my freedom of taking photos, the only option for me is via public transport.

Considering pubic transportation, connections and time, I chose to visit the two major villages in the Cotswolds -Bibury and Bourton on the Water.

I took the National Express that departs from London at 7:30am, then transfer at Cirencester to Bibury via Buss 855. It's not even 10am when I arrived in Cirencester and the first 855 of that day was at 11am, so I was planning to visit the church and market in town to kill some time. But the rain got heavier so I went to a Starbuck to wait out the rain.

The Bribery bound 855 bus stop is right across the road from where I was dropped of from the National Express -which is also a 855 stop when return, so it was actually quite convenient in terms of connection.

I purchased a day pass from the driver and sat by the windows -it was only a 20-minute ride. When I arrived in bribery, the driver asked where my next stop is, I told him Bourton on the Water. He then kindly reminded me to wait for 855 at this very same spot and transfer at Northleach Square station. I did research my route before hand but it was still very kind of him to do that. In fact, I always have very pleasant experience with people in English countryside.

Photographing the Cotswolds by Wilhelm Chang Photography
Above:Swan Hotel in Bibury 
The main attractions in Bibury are the Swan Hotel, Arlington Row and the trout farm. And my goal was to photograph Swan Hotel and Arlington Row.

My friend once showed me a photo of the Swan Hotel, the hotel and trees surrounding it were bathing in golden lights of setting sun. I was aiming to capture that kind of photo but sadly the weather was not on my side. But I tried to make the most of it by setting a mysterious tone.

Photographing the Cotswolds by Wilhelm Chang Photography
Above: Arlington Row

The famous Arlington Row is a must visit for all visitors. But surprisingly, even though it was Saturday, there weren't too many tourists!

Other than a Chinese and Japanese guided tour, most visitors were self guided. It did not take long to get a shot without tourists. I tried two compositions. A classical one that's taken right in front of the Row and the other one taken from across the river with my telephoto lens.

To me, the telephoto version show the surrounding better so I went for it in the end.

It took me just about an hour to get the photos I want but because the bus only comes every two hour, I explored the area a bit and tried more compositions.

Finally my bus came and I was able to get Northleach Square then Bourton on the Water.

I ran into another Taiwanese Mika there, what a coincidence!

Bourton on the Water
Photographing the Cotswolds by Wilhelm Chang Photography

As the bus approaching Bourton on the Water, other than the trees in Autumn colors, I also noticed there were a lot more tourists than my previous stop.

Bourton on the Water is known for its low stone bridges, and the river under these bridges are actually very shallow, many kids were standing/ sitting in the river, having some water fun.

And because of this, I did struggle to get a tourist-free shot. But with patience and a little bit help of Photoshop, I got the shot I want in the end.

Photographing the Cotswolds by Wilhelm Chang Photography

Bourton on the Water is a very popular place. Shops, restaurants can be found on either side of the river. Despite of the amount of visitorst, Bourton on the Water is a pretty layback little town, an ideal location for stopping for a meal or as a base to explore other towns.

I stayed for an hour or so and then parted way with Mika.
Interestingly, the driver of the Cirencester bound bus was the same one from the morning. He asked every foreign visitors where their destinations are and told them where to get off. Excellent service!

It was already dark when I got back to Cirencester, even though it wasn't even 6pm. I had my supper at a local restaurant before returning to London.

Below is my itinerary for that day. Bus time tables are different in different seasons, check it before you go.

London 0730 dep.- Coach-> Cirencester 0945 arr.   
Cirencester 1100dep. —Bus 855—> Bibury 1117arr.;  
2 hours in Bibury 
Arlington Row
Trout Farm
River Coln
Swan Hotel
Bribury 1317dep. -Bus855-> 13:37 arr. Northleach Square 13:54 dep. -Bus 801-> 1408 arr. Bourton on the water (Same for Friday and Saturday)
1.5 hr in BOTW
Bridges over  River Windrush
1536 dep. —bus 801—>15:55 Northleach Square 16:30—bus 855—> 1707 arr.  
Cirencester 1820 dep.—train—> London 2035 arr.

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