Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I've seen so many photos of Mt. Keelung on the internet and have been eager to photograph it for a while. This spot on the trail to Teapot Mountain has a bird-eye view of the Shui-Jing-Jeou (水金九) area -short for the names of three neighboring towns that surround Mt. Keelung, is perfect for my purpose. So I planned to go up there before the weather front came in and praying for a clear, crisp night sky.

I did a scout hike and a loop-trail hike with friends in two consecutive days before I took this shot. The weather was nice and dry on the scout hike, everything in the Shui-Jing-Jeou area was very sharp and clear. But the cloudless and moonless condition made the sky rather boring, so I was thinking on coming back again to do star trails. However, although the forecast said that the weather front wouldn't arrived until two days later, I noticed the weather turned pretty cloudy on the second hike.

Finally, with everything I need (meaning 2 fully charged batteries and a Sneaker bar), I came back to the trail and ready start my very first star trail capturing process, but only to find the area was very hazy when I got to the trailhead. Knowing the chance of photographing star trails wasn't very optimistic, I started the hike anyway and luckily, it was just low fog brought by the weather front that arrived 2 days earlier. And it was a pleasant surprise since it didn't block the sky and added mood to the scene!

After a few test shots to see which setting was the most desirable, I then let the camera to work on its own and this shot eventually took 243 photos to stack the star trails I want. Although it's not 100 percent how I envisioned it, but I'm quite happy with the result and it scored 98.0 on 500px! a personal best after the new rating algorithm was adopted! Hooray!

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